Construction materials
Tenha acesso a pilotos pagos, investimentos e parcerias com as principais empresas brasileiras.
Vamos levar sua empresa para o Mercado brasileiro
Garanta um piloto pago com os principais players do mercado brasileiro e, posteriormente, expanda pela maior economia da América do Sul. Aproveite nossa extensa rede de parceiros, investidores e clientes para acessar capital e garantir acordos comerciais em todo o Brasil
What's in it for you
Market access & leadership partner
Partner with a well-established brand with R$1Bn annual revenue and a strong presence across Latin America.

Manufacturing & supply chain support
Leverage Vedacit’s industrial-scale production and extensive distribution network.
Co-development & R&D
Gain access to Vedacit’s Engineering Center, where industry experts co-develop new solutions.
Cutting-edge facilities
Vedacit operates the most advanced factory in Latin America specializing in waterproofing products, plus state-of-the-art training centers and distribution hubs.

Sustainability & innovation
Work with Brazil’s 1st B Chemical Corporation, committed to LEED-certified solutions, water and energy efficiency, and waste reduction.

Industry & community engagement
Collaborate on initiatives that support architects, engineers, and bricklayers, as well as social impact projects through the Vedacit Institute.
Quem deve se inscrever:
Vedacit is seeking products or services in the construction materials sector to enhance product performance, lower costs, expand its product portfolio, or enter new market segments.
Empresas/fundadores israelenses
Soluções prontas para uso corporativo
Seed, estágios das séries A e B
Gerando receita
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Estamos procurando tecnologias em:
Transição ESG

Indústria do futuro

Soluções setoriais adjacentes aos negócios

Concrete additives
Structural recovery materials
AI-driven or SaaS solutions
Supplementary products
Application areas
Outside walls and wettable areas
Traffic(-free) slabs and raised gardens
Roof ceramic and cement
Swimming pools
Elevated reservoirs
Register your company to get in contact
Histórias de sucessohere.
Sobre Vedacit
Um dos complexos integrados produtores de aço mais eficientes do mundo, a CSN atua em cinco setores estratégicos da economia: aço, mineração, logística, cimento e energia. Uma multinacional orgulhosa de suas origens brasileiras, a empresa acredita e investe no país. Sua plataforma de inovação CSN Inova, implementa e investe em tecnologias disruptivas com alto potencial de crescimento, que permitem a transição das indústrias tradicionais para um futuro mais inteligente, conectado e sustentável. A CSN Inova trabalha em estreita colaboração com as empresas de seu portfólio, apoiando a escala tecnológica e comercial de suas soluções, co-desenvolvendo novas aplicações e conectando os empreendedores ao ecossistema da CSN. Ao integrar inovações internacionais em suas operações, a CSN não só aumenta sua vantagem competitiva, mas também contribui para o crescimento econômico e o desenvolvimento industrial do Brasil.

Sobre a SOSA
A SOSA é uma empresa de consultoria de inovação aberta que trabalha com equipes de inovação e unidades de negócios em empresas líderes como HP, Schneider Electric, RBC, Swiss Re e Zurich Insurance, bem como governos da Austrália, Brasil, Canadá, Japão e Taiwan. Nosso escritório no Brasil, liderado pelos principais especialistas em inovação aberta, oferece às startups israelenses e empresas globais de tecnologia acesso incomparável ao mercado brasileiro. Com nossa extensa rede e conexões confiáveis com as principais corporações e órgãos governamentais, garantimos que você encontre as partes interessadas certas para apoiar seu crescimento nesse mercado em expansão. Com um histórico comprovado de colaboração com mais de 100 parceiros corporativos em mais de 900 projetos e de envolvimento com mais de 13.000 empresas de tecnologia em todo o mundo, a SOSA é sua parceira ideal para expandir operações, garantir investimentos estratégicos e entrar em novos mercados.
Our Brazil office, led by top experts in open innovation, offers Israeli startups and global tech companies unmatched access to the Brazilian market. With our extensive network and trusted connections with leading corporations and government bodies, we ensure you meet the right stakeholders to support your growth in this booming market.
With a proven track record of collaborating with over 100 corporate partners on more than 900 projects and engaging with over 13,000 tech companies globally, SOSA is your ideal partner for scaling operations, securing strategic investments, and entering new markets.
Our Brazil office, led by top experts in open innovation, offers Israeli startups and global tech companies unmatched access to the Brazilian market. With our extensive network and trusted connections with leading corporations and government bodies, we ensure you meet the right stakeholders to support your growth in this booming market.
With a proven track record of collaborating with over 100 corporate partners on more than 900 projects and engaging with over 13,000 tech companies globally, SOSA is your ideal partner for scaling operations, securing strategic investments, and entering new markets.
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Comemorando um ano de inovação e impacto na SOSA Brasil
Explore a jornada da SOSA Brasil no ano passado, gerando resultados significativos por meio de parcerias com as principais corporações, entidades públicas e universidades.

Gianna Sagazo
CEO da SOSA Brasil
December 4, 2024
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Estudo de caso
Como a SOSA acelerou o investimento da CSN na EnviCore
Descubra como a SOSA conectou a CSN, uma das líderes industriais do Brasil, à EnviCore, pioneira em materiais sustentáveis, facilitando um investimento de 2 milhões de dólares para promover soluções de cimento de baixa emissão.

SOSA's editorial team
December 4, 2024
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Combatendo Fake News no Brasil usando IA
Descubra como a SOSA Solutions está ajudando o Brasil a lidar com a desinformação com ferramentas baseadas em IA e inovação estratégica.

Equipe editorial da SOSA
November 28, 2024
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SOSA faz parceria com InovaUSP para unir academia e indústria
A SOSA faz parceria com a InovaUSP para fortalecer o ecossistema de inovação local conectando a academia e a indústria, promovendo o empreendedorismo e gerando impacto no mundo real por meio de soluções colaborativas.

Gianna Sagazio
November 25, 2024
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Transformando os serviços públicos do Brasil por meio de tecnologia e inovação.
Tecnologias inovadoras estão transformando o setor público do Brasil, enfrentando desafios em educação, saúde e desenvolvimento de cidades inteligentes.

Equipe editorial da SOSA
November 28, 2024
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The XAI report: are we looking before we leap?
Netflix’s recent docudrama, "The Social Dilemma" has brought the discussion of Explainable AI to the mainstream. The Explainable AI report covers regulations, notable use-cases, an interview with Dr. Luca Marighetti from Swiss Re, and a list of tech companies taking the mystery out of AI.

November 25, 2024
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What is corporate innovation?
Corporate innovation can be practiced in different ways. This article takes a deep-dive into the various corporate innovation structures, where innovation originates, and the case for open vs. closed corporate innovation.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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A descoberta da defesa da Wonder Robotics
Saiba como a Wonder Robotics passou da entrega por drones para aplicações HLS, adaptou seu produto aos usuários finais e garantiu um financiamento significativo por meio dos programas aceleradores Innofense e HTX da SOSA.

Equipe editorial da SOSA
November 25, 2024
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What every company needs to know about reinsurance.
The concept of reinsurance has existed for over 700 years, created to protect the assets of traders and merchants. It has since evolved to be a global industry that stabilizes local insurance markets, and provides capital to the economy.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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Who is an innovation leader.
Innovation leaders wear many hats depending on the organization they work in. But what are an innovation leader’s core responsibilities, and what does it take to advance innovation within an organization? Read on to find out.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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Why it’s time to monetize industrial waste.
To deal with the global trash crises and rising temperatures, waste must be transformed into a resource rather than being seen as a problem. Read on to discover technologies leading the way in turning mountains of trash into cash.

Matan Ben-Gigi
November 25, 2024
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What will sustainable factories of the future look like?
Spoiler alert: technology is making it easier than ever to get closer to net-zero. From hyper-connectivity to energy harvesting to accident-preventing hardware, read on to discover what the future holds for sustainable manufacturing.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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Why you need a sustainable supply chain.
As COVID-19 has moved us towards local production and a movement to become less reliant on large webs of global supply chains, the answer to sustainability is in Industry 4.0 technologies.

Matan Ben-Gigi
November 25, 2024
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Why it’s time to liberate digital health data.
From healthcare delivery, to response, prevention, and treatment - the advantages are plentiful and not just in the world of healthcare but across multiple industries.

Jonathan Kaplan
November 25, 2024
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The year grandma learned to Zoom.
Among the many affected by changes in daily life due to COVID-19, one group had to adopt and adapt quicker than anyone - our beloved senior population.

Sagi Latin
November 14, 2024
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Why cyber insurance is a blue ocean for tech startups.
The damage that can be caused from cyber attacks is serious and imminent, and the world of cyber insurance must catch up.

Jonathan Kaplan
November 25, 2024
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Why a connected factory can fast-track your net-zero goals.
From real-time data and metrics to decreased unexpected downtime, a digitized factory is the faster and more cost-efficient path to sustainable manufacturing. Read on to discover why.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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Estudo de caso
The Hatch: A Year of Innovation
Find out how The Hatch. the Innovation Hub created by HTX and supported by Knovel Engineering and SOSA executed 11 proof-of-concept projects in collaboration with 170 startups in less than a year.

SOSA's Editorial Team
November 25, 2024
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The innovation leaders: who are they and why are they essential.
As the demand for innovation continues to rise and current innovation leaders become more seasoned, it would prove constructive to devise a better definition of what an innovation leader really does, thereby eliminating much of the ambiguity surrounding this role.

November 25, 2024
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The heavy costs of industrial carbon emissions.
The manufacturing industry is finally catching up to decarbonization, understanding if it doesn’t, it will soon face heavy fines, penalties, and changing consumer perception defined by public and private regulation. Open innovation provides heavy CO2 emitters tools to redefine themselves, save money, and grow.

November 25, 2024
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The SOSA interview series: CEO of 8200 Alumni Association.
We spoke with Eliana Dan, the alumni’s CEO of 8200 on the importance of the association, success stories, and their diverse, meaningful programs.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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The market is barking: how pets are transforming into noteworthy consumers.
Pet tech companies that invest in consumer-facing branding and a well-crafted user experience have grown exponentially in the past five years. Read on to learn about the paw-sibilities in this growing market.

Jonathan Kaplan
November 25, 2024
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O lado sombrio da IA e do aprendizado de máquina: uma visão geral da cibersegurança
À medida que os cibercriminosos exploram a IA e o ML, os riscos resultantes estão afetando indústrias em todo o mundo. Saiba mais sobre os perigos que eles representam e as soluções inovadoras dos principais fornecedores que estão enfrentando esses desafios críticos.

Polina Gohman
Analista de pesquisa
November 25, 2024
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The future of insurance.
In this report, we’ve collaborated with Tokio Marine’s Innovation Lab, London to break down insights into the future of insurance. We explore the major changes the insurance industry faces as a result of the growing protection gap and the emergence of a new generation of consumers, and present a wide range of opportunities offered by advanced technology.

November 25, 2024
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The CNI-SOSA partnership: Accelerating innovation for the Brazilian industrial sector.
On July 1, 2020, SOSA and CNI, the Brazilian National Confederation of Industry, announced an official strategic partnership to advance innovation for Brazilian corporations and startups. Through this collaboration, Brazilian corporations gain access to state-of-the-art technology, innovation, and networks, previously outside their domain. Brazilian startups participate in acceleration programs aiming to provide them with tools and best practices to build global companies, tapping into SOSA's global network, creating essential relationships and strategic alliances.

November 25, 2024
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The decarbonization dilemma: The heavy costs of industrial carbon emissions.
The manufacturing industry is finally catching up to decarbonization, understanding if it doesn’t, it will soon face heavy fines, penalties, and brand ostracization defined by public and private regulation.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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Estudo de caso
SOSA x SEBRAE: Empowering Brazilian Startups Globally
Discover how the SOSA and SEBRAE collaboration fosters innovation, connectivity, and global recognition, amplifying opportunities for growth in the Brazilian Innovation ecosystem.

SOSA's Editorial Team
November 25, 2024
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Sustainability: from buzzword to lifeline.
The next decade offers opportunities for enterprises to make an unprecedentedly strong and measurable impact which has been previously unavailable. In this report, we take a deep-dive into three major industries and the latest tech advancements proven successful at reducing carbon emissions.

November 25, 2024
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Tech spotlight with Eitan Lavie, Co-Founder and CEO of Zeppi.
Zeppi's Co-Founder and CEO, Eitan Lavie spoke with us about Zeppi's innovative hovering video-call balloon robot, and the future of how we connect.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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Tech spotlight with Tato Bigio, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of UBQ Materials.
We sat down with Tato Bigio, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of UBQ Materials, to learn more about the opportunities he sees in creating a circular economy within the waste management industry, as well as UBQ's journey to becoming the most "climate-positive thermoplastic on the market."

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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Tech spotlight with Yaron Shenhav, CEO of SolCold.
We sat down with Yaron Shenhav, CEO of SolCold, the award-winning startup behind the revolutionary idea of harnessing the sun to make things cooler rather than warmer to learn how their technology is making it happen.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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SOSA's Chilean Startup Mentorship Program
Explore how SOSA's mentorship program fueled U.S. expansion for Chilean startups, offering tailored guidance, investor meetings, and global visibility

SOSA's Editorial Team
November 25, 2024
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Strategic Focus in Open Innovation
Discover the key to successful open innovation with SOSA's VP of Business Development. Learn how to align emerging technologies with your business goals, prioritize impactful use cases, and stay focused on opportunities that drive real business impact

Yinon Masad
November 25, 2024
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Startups should diversify revenue with credit scoring.
Many new methods of evaluating an individual’s “creditworthiness” are emerging, generating new opportunities in risk assessment in the form of alternative credit scoring.

Daphna Meroz
November 25, 2024
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SOSA Ventures: Criando o futuro de investimentos sem riscos
Descubra o lançamento iminente da SOSA Ventures em nosso blog mais recente. Junte-se a nós para revelar como a SOSA Ventures está pronta para remodelar o cenário de investimentos estratégicos, enfatizando oportunidades sem riscos e insights de mercado.

Roni Kenet Harmelin
COO e Chefe de Gabinete
November 25, 2024
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SOSA HLS 2023: Powering Security Through Innovation
In 2023, SOSA HLS reached new heights, blending defense and innovation through open innovation programs and accelerators, collaborating with industry leaders, and unveiling The Hatch—an innovation center to transform the future of security. This recap highlights our commitment to shaping a safer world through revolutionary ideas and global partnerships in HLS and defense.

Erik Kerten and Duddy Rokach
November 25, 2024
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Savvy: Redefining Innovation Management
Dive into the origins of Savvy, SOSA's innovation management platform, crafted from the ground up to tackle industry challenges. Discover its evolution and impact, and ambitious plans for 2024.

Sagi Latin
November 25, 2024
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Impacto da Savvy no sucesso da inovação da NTT
O NTT Innovation Lab Israel enfrentou desafios na centralização, análise e compartilhamento de dados para projetos de inovação, testando inicialmente os CRMs tradicionais sem sucesso. A introdução à Savvy, a plataforma de gerenciamento de inovação da SOSA, permitiu que eles otimizassem com eficiência centenas de projetos de inovação colaborativa, resultando em negócios e implementações bem-sucedidos.

Equipe editorial da SOSA
November 25, 2024
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SOSA and CzechInvest's Bootcamp in NYC Empowers Czech Startups
SOSA and CzechInvest joined forces for the impactful 2023 Czech Startup Bootcamp in New York, a bespoke two-day program amplifying Czech startups' U.S. expansion journey.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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SOSA and CTA Launch Retail Tech Accelerator in NYC
Explore the success story of the 2023 Retail Tech Program, where Canadian startups delved into the U.S. market. From virtual training to the vibrant Demo Day in New York, discover how the participants gained actionable insights and valuable connections.

SOSA's editorial team
November 25, 2024
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Refletindo sobre a jornada impactante da SOSA em 2023
Ao darmos as boas-vindas ao novo ano, quero expressar minha mais profunda gratidão e celebrar as realizações de nossos clientes, que abriram novos caminhos ao impulsionar o impacto nos negócios por meio da inovação. Nós da SOSA temos orgulho de nos destacar em meio aos desafios de um ano que testou nossa perseverança e determinação, impulsionados por nosso firme compromisso com a inovação e o impacto.

Uzi Scheffer
November 25, 2024
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Protecting today's digital consumers
In this report, SOSA and FinTLV partner with InsurLab Germany to discuss the steps that organizations, and the insurance industry in particular, can take to protect digital consumers from increasingly sophisticated cyber threats. The report presents strategies and technologies that can help organizations shore up their cybersecurity infrastructure, provide recommendations for how individuals can protect themselves from cyber criminals, and showcase innovative technologies dedicated to fighting cyber crimes.

November 25, 2024
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Next Generation Protein: 65 technologies shaping the future.
Now, more than ever, sustainable and healthier products of any kind are perceived as simply “better” than products that don’t take the environment and animal welfare into account.

November 25, 2024
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Mental health & insurance spotlight report.
If you’re feeling stressed or anxious, you’re not alone. Nearly half of US adults reported symptoms of anxiety or depression in the pandemic too. The discussion surrounding mental health has found its place in the limelight and becoming increasingly important for insurance companies.

November 25, 2024
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More than a pretty picture: unexpected drone uses.
As of today, drones are the most developed aerial unit in the world. What was once used for warfare, is now being used to create change for the better.

Jonathan Kaplan
November 25, 2024
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Pioneering Impact Through Innovative Mixed Models
When it comes to open innovation, the key to success resides often in venturing beyond the familiar. Explore how SOSA's out-of-the-box thinking defines success. Discover strategic approaches, dual-tech triumphs, and holistic solutions that redefine innovation.

Matan Ben Gigi
November 25, 2024
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Partnership with governments to drive accelerator programs.
It’s challenging for startup companies starting out to secure funding, visibility, and a global presence. Fortunately, companies do not have to reinvent the wheel or pave a new operational path when these avenues already exist as well as the tools, know-how, and connections through accelerator programs.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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New York City: the world’s cybersecurity capital.
New York City’s singular position as the home of the world’s most diverse workforce, together with its leading financial and educational institutions, constitute an economic and intellectual powerhouse no other place can match.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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Operating the different vehicles of open innovation.
The option of buying, aka open innovation, can be accomplished through many different vehicles. What may make sense for one company, may not be right for another. Open innovation can take the form of strategic partnerships, corporate accelerators, venture building, M&A, or CVCs.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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Navigating the Tech Boom - SOSA's Impact in NYC
Explore SOSA's impactful role in New York City's tech surge, strategically positioning itself in the vibrant ecosystem. Learn how SOSA serves as a premier landing pad for startups, fostering connections, and empowering global innovation.

Elan Fox
November 25, 2024
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Metaverse, insurance, and mental health. The new new thing.
As enterprises are heading towards the metaverse, emerging technology is on the rise for the healthcare industry, covering mental health risks.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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Navegando pela ascensão da tecnologia de uso duplo
Explore a era transformadora da tecnologia de uso duplo, na qual as startups lideram a inovação em defesa e HLS, e como a SOSA HLS preenche lacunas e promove colaborações para um futuro mais seguro.

Equipe editorial da SOSA
November 25, 2024
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Mushrooms are having a moment: why corporations should care.
Neither plants nor animals, mushrooms belong to a kingdom of their own. From construction to mental health, read on to discover unexpected opportunities for mushroom innovation across industries.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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Managing Global Supply Chain Risk.
Explore a strategic blueprint for global supply chain resilience, integrating innovation and risk mitigation at the crossroads of today's challenges.

SOSA's Editorial Team
November 25, 2024
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Introdução ao cenário cibernético dos EUA
Mergulhe em nosso novo relatório e explore as muitas mudanças impulsionadas pela adoção de tecnologia e pela evolução das ameaças. Descubra tendências de investimento, parcerias e soluções para navegar pelo cenário em evolução das ameaças emergentes da IA e pela expansão da superfície de ataque da IoT.

Equipe editorial da SOSA
November 25, 2024
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IoT in insurance industry insights report.
In collaboration with Tokio Marine’s Innovation Lab in London, we present this report on how IoT is taking risk prevention and mitigation to the next level and what these indicators relay about the future of home, SMB, and industrial insurance.

November 25, 2024
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How telemedicine is helping employers.
There are two things we know for sure. One is that we are living in a time of hyperconsciousness regarding our health and wellbeing. The other is that remote work has become the norm for many companies.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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In fighting COVID, startups help governments.
The public sector is crucial for how we manage cities, localities, and states, but the power and know-how of the private are too potent to dismiss.

Uzi Scheffer
November 25, 2024
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Introducing SOSA Brazil's New CEO: Gianna Sagazio
Join the exciting journey led by Gianna Sagazio, spearheading SOSA's expansion into Brazil. Witness innovation and collaboration unfold, reinforcing SOSA's commitment to advancing corporate innovation in the region.

SOSA's Editorial Team
November 25, 2024
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How the private completes the public sector.
The relationship between the public and the private is complicated and passionately fought over, but when one strikes the right balance, the results are often remarkable.

Uzi Scheffer
November 25, 2024
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Introducing Cohort 2 Start-Ups from SOSA-HTX Open Innovation Challenge!
The SOSA-HTX Open Innovation Challenge, in partnership with HTX in Singapore, has launched its second cohort. This program accelerates cutting-edge technologies for homeland security.

SOSA's Editorial Team
November 25, 2024
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Estudo de caso
Fastdezine's Global Ascent: A Land to Launch Success Story
Discover how Fastdezine, a leading Brazilian startup, soared to international heights through SOSA's Land to Launch accelerator program. Uncover the challenges conquered, innovative solutions implemented, and the tangible results that transformed Fastdezine's journey into a testament of global success and strategic growth.

SOSA's Editorial Team
November 25, 2024
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How COVID-19 brought the travel industry together.
For the travel industry catering to a now more fearful and more digitally connected consumer, the answer lies in reaching them right at their fingertips every step of their journey.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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For once, Israeli tech has a chance to benefit Israelis.
It is possible that the COVID-19 crisis created an opportunity to initiate and accelerate digitization and innovation in Israeli corporations, under conditions that have not yet existed.

Uzi Scheffer
November 25, 2024
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How fintech is serving the unbanked.
Over the past decade, a new wave of fintech startups have emerged; identifying the challenges the unbanked face and the opportunities they represent.

Jonathan Kaplan
November 25, 2024
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How COVID-19 accelerated corporate innovation.
Seven months into the pandemic, it is clear that everyone wants to see (or show) results. Background noises have faded, and there is no capacity for anything but ventures with a solid worth.

Sagi Latin
November 25, 2024
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How energy companies are innovative.
We’re witnessing a new industrial revolution that bridges our physical and digital worlds. Sustainability, responsible consumption, and convenience are the hallmarks of today’s consumerism.

Jonathan Kaplan
November 25, 2024
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Four dilemmas of an innovation leader.
Being an innovation leader is not always easy. We’ve identified four key pain points holding back innovation and its leaders in an organization. Read on to learn what they are and how to overcome them.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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How auto insurers are transforming in a digital landscape.
With automakers embedding data-collecting markers into the vehicles, it becomes much easier to offer embedded insurance as part of a new car purchase.

Jonathan Kaplan
November 25, 2024
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How autonomous cars will drive real estate into a new era.
Real estate and autonomous vehicles (AV) may not be the most intuitive pairing, but the impact of the development of each is more intertwined than one may think.

Daphna Meroz
November 25, 2024
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Corporate innovation 101: all the essentials.
The pace and context of innovation differs from one corporation to the next. As each innovation vehicle serves a unique function, innovation leaders must assess their corporation's priorities, strategic goals, and resource feasibility to decide which innovation model makes sense for their current development chain.

November 25, 2024
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Corporate innovation & Israel’s homeland security.
In the past few decades, we've witnessed a pivot towards a global war on terror and a emergence cyberwarfare that pervasively threaten national security.

Duddy Rokach
November 25, 2024
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Constructing a sustainable future.
Our latest partnership with Tidhar Group, a leading Israeli real estate developer, will support their efforts on sustainability, green construction, green energy, robotics, and automation.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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Cybersecurity is essential to rapid innovation.
As cybersecurity and business operations become more interdependent, corporations must start looking at cybersecurity as a fundamental component of their innovation strategy.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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Enthec: Um estudo de caso sobre crescimento acelerado por meio do programa Desafia NY
A COO da Enthec, Lola Miravet, compartilha como sua participação no programa Desafía New York impulsionou seu crescimento. Por meio de orientação estratégica, engajamento proativo e adaptação ao mercado dos EUA, eles alcançaram um impacto comercial significativo e uma expansão do mercado.

A equipe SOSA
November 25, 2024
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Brazilian Sustainability Tech.
Showcasing leading Brazilian sustainability focused technology companies.

SOSA's Editorial Team
November 25, 2024
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7 technologies manufacturers can implement today for a net-zero factory.
In this report, we break down which technologies provide the most efficient way to reduce a factory’s carbon footprint, the ones you can implement today to decrease costs, streamline processes, and reduce your overall C02.

November 25, 2024
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5 women who transformed the history of tech.
Women are behind some of the most instrumental technology to have graced the earth but only now are they receiving their rightfully due credit. Read on to discover five technologies you probably didn't know were developed by women.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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Cementing the future of green construction.
Tech is making it easier than ever for construction companies of all sizes to build more sustainably. Read on to learn which innovations offer both environmental and financial benefits that can turn sustainability goals into an attainable reality.

Sandra Cohen
November 25, 2024
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4 key areas that are keeping your factory from getting to net-zero.
For the manufacturing sector to reach net-zero carbon emissions, huge collective action must be taken by all stakeholders. Read on to discover 4 key areas manufacturers should pay attention to.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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CNI Innovation Ecosystem Immersion at SOSA Tel Aviv.
Partnership between SOSA and CNI strengthened during Israel visit for new innovation initiatives driving Brazilian companies to find creative technology solutions.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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Brazil's Sustainable Tech Journey: Charting a Course for the Future
Discover Brazil's rapid ascent as a global player in sustainable technology through our pivotal report presented at the 10th Annual International Industry Innovation Summit.

SOSA's editorial team
November 25, 2024
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Promovendo a inovação corporativa: o ano impactante da SOSA no Brasil
Descubra como, em 2023, a SOSA impulsionou a inovação no Brasil com parcerias importantes e projetos de ponta, levando a uma maior eficiência operacional e sustentabilidade para os líderes do setor.

Equipe editorial da SOSA
November 25, 2024
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Beyond sustainability: 3 reasons manufacturers must adopt a circular system.
For manufacturers, entering the circular economy may be daunting, but there are some key benefits that managers and executives should consider.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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2023 tech trends for insurance companies.
Can technology solve some of the challenges we’ve seen in the insurance industry in the last few years? The answer is yes. Our analysts are sharing 3 technology trends that can make a positive impact on insurers’ bottom line in 2023. Read on to see how technology-based underwriting, automated claims processing, and mental health and wellness solutions are changing the insurer and customer landscapes.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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2023 tech trends for cutting OpEx in the industrial sector.
With 2023 just beginning, we’re sharing the 3 technology trends that can make a positive financial impact on businesses in the industrial sector. Read on to see how predictive maintenance, worker productivity & safety and supply chain optimization could impact your operation’s efficiency.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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2023 tech trends for banks.
We’re sharing the 3 technology trends that can positively impact banks and their customers in 2023 and beyond. Read on to see how fraud prevention and cyber security technologies, digital services, and support solutions, and data-driven banking can enable banks to create better products for their customers and boost competition.

SOSA editorial team
November 25, 2024
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