Serviços bancários

As tecnologias emergentes estão transformando o setor de seguros, permitindo que as seguradoras alcancem novos níveis de eficiência e inovação. Em parceria com a SOSA, os líderes do setor aproveitam esses avanços para agilizar as operações e fortalecer sua vantagem competitiva, estabelecendo novos padrões do setor.

Você está em boa companhia
Inovação no setor bancário
Dos pagamentos ao gerenciamento de patrimônio, espera-se que o banco moderno navegue com segurança no ambiente de informações cada vez mais complexo e, ao mesmo tempo, ofereça experiências distintas e simplificadas a clientes de todos os tipos.

Apesar dos enormes ganhos de eficiência como resultado da digitalização, a necessidade de gerenciar e analisar com segurança volumes de dados explosivos e, ao mesmo tempo, manter os riscos de segurança sob controle colocou uma pressão significativa sobre as equipes de operações bancárias em todo o mundo. E agora, em um cenário bancário cada vez mais consolidado e com a ameaça iminente de fintechs disruptivas, operações centrais confiáveis não são mais suficientes para gerar uma vantagem competitiva.

Como resultado, bancos ágeis de todo o espectro estão buscando parcerias com fintechs emergentes para impulsionar a eficiência operacional, aumentar a segurança organizacional e oferecer produtos e serviços de alto valor aos clientes.
Tendências da tecnologia bancária
Primeiras experiências digitais para o cliente
À medida que as operações financeiras passaram inteiramente para o domínio digital, os bancos estão aumentando significativamente os gastos com desenvolvimento em aplicativos e experiências na web, disputando negócios por meio de recursos e experiências diferenciados de valor agregado.
Open banking e integrações de valor agregado
À medida que os reguladores dos EUA seguem o modelo europeu ao exigir que os dados bancários sejam disponibilizados prontamente a terceiros autorizados, os bancos estão cada vez mais explorando formas de valor agregado de integração com plataformas e provedores de dados terceirizados para aumentar a segurança e a eficiência operacional, oferecendo aos clientes recursos aprimorados de análise, experiências de usuário e automação de processos.
Suporte autônomo omnicanal ao cliente
O advento do GenAI levou o suporte ao cliente aos estágios finais da automação, lidando perfeitamente com solicitações completas de suporte, muitas vezes sem que os clientes percebessem que estão conversando com um agente de IA. Percebendo a enorme eficiência de custos e as melhorias na experiência do cliente, agentes omnicanais específicos para bancos estão sendo implementados em um ritmo impressionante.
Pronto para revolucionar sua estratégia de logística?
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Casos de uso
Advanced AI Credit Underwriting
Leverage a wide range of traditional and alternative data (bills, social media, behavioral, etc.) from both 1st and 3rd party sources in combination with advanced AI to more accurately assess an applicant's creditworthiness and price the loan at a near instant speed. With an ever increasing volume of data available in relation to any given loan application, human analysts are no longer able to underwrite at the speed and accuracy of advanced AI models that take the full spectrum of data into account. By integrating AI underwriting models either as a support tool for human analysts (ex. for larger commercial loans) or as fully autonomous underwriters in adherence with dynamic firm risk appetites, banks have been able to dramatically improve the client experience, offer more competitive pricing, expand credit access and free up resources for higher ticket loans. Client experiences are improved by accelerating the time from application to payout, while rates are priced to more accurately reflect the true risk of the applicant. At the same time, a wholistic application analysis can provide credit access to applicants that may not meet traditional requirements, but have otherwise stable financial records all while reducing the time spent by human agents on reviewing smaller ticket loans, allowing them to refocus on high-value applications.
O impacto:
Underwriting Efficiency | Reduced Delinquency Rates | Expanded Credit Access | Higher Loan Approval Rates | Reduced Time-to-Payout |
50% - 75%
decrease in manual review time through AI supported application
increase in approvals for protected class consumer loan applicants
of applications auto decisioned (without increased delinquency ratios)
30% - 40%
lower delinquency rates than US average
boost in approval rates without increased delinquency rates
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AI Collections Automation
AI-powered collections automation enables banks to streamline their debt recovery processes by utilizing intelligent workflows and predictive analytics. This technology prioritizes cases based on recovery potential, allowing staff to focus on high-value activities while personalizing communication strategies for better engagement with customers. Additionally, advanced machine learning models help predict delinquency and forecast customer financial behavior, facilitating proactive interventions. By automating routine tasks and providing a comprehensive view of customer data, banks can enhance operational efficiency and improve recovery rates significantly.
O impacto:
Improved Client Experience | Collections Efficiency | Reduced OpEx | Increased Collections Rate |
More cash collected
Higher engagement conversion rates
increase in debtor engagement on early stage delinquency outreach campaigns
less useless chasing of accounts
More accounts managed per agen
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Como atendemos às necessidades exclusivas do setor bancário
Inovação aberta para profissional bancário.
Inovação aberta para entidades públicas.
Client testimonials:
Emmanuel Lagarrigue

Chief Innovation Officer and Member of the Executive Committee

Schneider Electric

"Innovation is about people, this is why we work with SOSA - this is a secret ingredient, the people. It's about taking small bets, on many different ventures along the way, some of them will change the world."

Renata Freesz Pinto

Innovation Project Manager


"Klabin's dedication to sustainable innovation has been enhanced through our collaboration with SOSA and CNI. Our projects exemplify our commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovation. By partnering with SOSA, we've identified the optimal partners for our initiatives."

Mitchell Weinstock



“We came to Israel and used SOSA as a source to bring some very innovative companies, in a very innovative format so our teams would have something exciting to look at and listen to. I think we were very successful finding 5 great companies.”

Joel Agard

Head of Innovation

Zurich Insurance

“We at Zurich Insurance Group have been working with SOSA since 2016. Through working together, we have been able to leverage SOSA’s extensive startup network and Insurtech expertise to help identify Insurtech solutions and startups as well as form collaborations with some of those startups.”

Sasson Darwish

Former Managing Director, Global Investment Banking

RBC Capital Markets

“We have been extremely impressed by the companies we've met through SOSA, and many of them have been considered for a POC stage to become part of the RBC vendor universe."

Joel Agard

Head of Innovation

Zurich Insurance

“We at Zurich Insurance Group have been working with SOSA since 2016. Through working together, we have been able to leverage SOSA’s extensive startup network and Insurtech expertise to help identify Insurtech solutions and startups as well as form collaborations with some of those startups.”

Daljitt Barn

Global Head of Cyber Risk & Head of Innovtion Lab, London

Tokio Marine

"Partnering with SOSA helped us accelerate our open innovation activities in Israel in no time, knowing that SOSA analysts cover the Israeli tech ecosystem and have the knowledge to provide us with a highly curated deal flow of advanced technologies."

Dr. Luca Marighetti

Former Group Head Tech Transformation

Swiss Re

“SOSA truly understands our innovation requirements and knows how to deliver solutions, no matter how complex the challenge or how quickly we need it. We have someone we can speak with at SOSA at all times.”

Pronto para transformar sua oferta de logística?
Agende uma reunião
2023 tech trends for insurance companies.
Can technology solve some of the challenges we’ve seen in the insurance industry in the last few years? The answer is yes. Our analysts are sharing 3 technology trends that can make a positive impact on insurers’ bottom line in 2023. Read on to see how technology-based underwriting, automated claims processing, and mental health and wellness solutions are changing the insurer and customer landscapes.
SOSA editorial team
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How auto insurers are transforming in a digital landscape.
With automakers embedding data-collecting markers into the vehicles, it becomes much easier to offer embedded insurance as part of a new car purchase.
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Why cyber insurance is a blue ocean for tech startups.
The damage that can be caused from cyber attacks is serious and imminent, and the world of cyber insurance must catch up.
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Metaverse, insurance, and mental health. The new new thing.
As enterprises are heading towards the metaverse, emerging technology is on the rise for the healthcare industry, covering mental health risks.
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What every company needs to know about reinsurance.
The concept of reinsurance has existed for over 700 years, created to protect the assets of traders and merchants. It has since evolved to be a global industry that stabilizes local insurance markets, and provides capital to the economy.
SOSA editorial team
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Mental health & insurance spotlight report.
If you’re feeling stressed or anxious, you’re not alone. Nearly half of US adults reported symptoms of anxiety or depression in the pandemic too. The discussion surrounding mental health has found its place in the limelight and becoming increasingly important for insurance companies.
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The future of insurance.
In this report, we’ve collaborated with Tokio Marine’s Innovation Lab, London to break down insights into the future of insurance. We explore the major changes the insurance industry faces as a result of the growing protection gap and the emergence of a new generation of consumers, and present a wide range of opportunities offered by advanced technology.
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IoT in insurance industry insights report.
In collaboration with Tokio Marine’s Innovation Lab in London, we present this report on how IoT is taking risk prevention and mitigation to the next level and what these indicators relay about the future of home, SMB, and industrial insurance.
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