November 2020

The XAI report: are we looking before we leap?

Netflix’s recent docudrama, "The Social Dilemma" has brought the discussion of Explainable AI to the mainstream. The Explainable AI report covers regulations, notable use-cases, an interview with Dr. Luca Marighetti from Swiss Re, and a list of tech companies taking the mystery out of AI.

The XAI report: are we looking before we leap?

Explainable AI (XAI) is an emerging field in machine learning that addresses the lack of transparency in traditional AI algorithms and machine learning such as those depicted in the film. In addition to ensuring transparency, XAI also promotes accountability, traceability, and auditability. Corporations are working to create monitored and comprehensible AI models while continuing to benefit from big data and unimpaired computing power.

“As more engineers rely on open code, infected codes can create backdoors that are very hard to track down. That’s why interpretability and transparency are so important.“